Beyond Therapy

Facilitation and Workshops

I am a cisgender, Nigerian-American, first-generation immigrant woman. Because of who I am and because of the people I love, I am committed to freedom for all of us. For me, freedom means all of our needs are abundantly met, especially our need for wellness.

I believe that wellness is something we achieve collectively. So much of what causes mental unwellness stems from systemic violence, and the ways oppressive systems permeate our communities, our hearts and our minds.

One of the things I love most is teaching, and one of the things I hate is grading. Workshops give me the opportunity to be in learning spaces that aren’t evaluative, and to learn collaboratively alongside folks with whom I am sharing space. Black futurist and science fiction writer Octavia Butler wrote “Everything you touch you change / everything you change changes you.” I believe we all have something to teach each other.

Transforming harm into healing can look many ways. The offerings below focus on sharpening our analysis of the ways power and oppression operate, developing our skills, and uncovering the agency we can find in taking action.


Below, you’ll see three learning tiers. The content of the three tiers is cumulative. Participating in tier one is not required in order to take the workshops in tier three, but please note that the content in tier one is a prerequisite for tier two (and the content in tier two is a prerequisite for the content in tier three). If you’re not familiar with the subject matter of a prior workshop, you may find subsequent workshops confusing.

It is helpful for me to have some context about what learning, exploring and growing you have done prior to our working together. Should you decide to inquire about a workshop, please let me know where you’re at in your learning journey. And please know that lived experience is the expertise I trust the most! Formal education is not a necessary prerequisite to our figuring out how to get free together.

Tier One: Liberation 101

This learning tier is for folks who are interested in social justice and are ready to begin unlearning the myths that shape our understanding of power and oppression.

Power, Privilege and Oppression

Ages: 12+
Duration: 90-120 minutes

In this workshop, we learn about social identities and how power relates to them. What does power, privilege and oppression actually mean today? You will also complete a personal power analysis and leave our time together with a clearer understanding of how you can leverage your privilege to dismantle it.

Schedule 15 min. Consultation

The World of Gender

Ages: 12+
Duration: 90-120 minutes

In this workshop, we talk about the differences between gender and sexuality and gender expression and sexual expression. We will learn about how incredibly expansive gender is, in contrast to the binary understanding of gender Western education provides. I will also provide strategies for how this knowledge can inform how you move through the world and interact with others.

Schedule 15 min. Consultation

Questioning Dominant Narratives

Ages: 12+
Duration: 90-120 minutes

In this workshop, we learn about the power of storytelling and refine our critical analysis of history. We explore strategies that can help us discern when we’re not getting the full story and investigate what myths are subconsciously shaping our views. We also explore the ways storytelling offers us agency, liberation and an antidote to the poison of white supremacy, cisnormativity, colonialism and oppression.

Schedule 15 min. Consultation

Tier Two: Identity and Oppression Deep Dive

This learning tier takes a deeper dive into the ways power and oppression move through cultural and societal institutions and our own hearts and minds.


Ages: 12+
Duration: 90-120 minutes

In this workshop, we connect what we know about power and oppression to our lived experiences and those of other people. We situate microaggressions in a hierarchy of violence and learn about their insidious nature. You will leave this workshop with a deeper understanding of how our unconscious biases contribute to harm and some concrete strategies to help prevent common microaggressions.

Schedule 15 min. Consultation

Institutional Oppression and Types of Power

Ages: 12+
Duration: 90-120 minutes

In this workshop, we shift our focus from “-ists” to “-isms.” In other words, we shift from solely looking at ways individuals might commit violence to the way systems reinforce and perpetuate harm. We learn to decode coded violence. We also hold space to imagine a better world, and explore ways to engage in new and existing antidotes.

Schedule 15 min. Consultation


Ages: 12+
Duration: 90-120 minutes

Intersectionality is a framework coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw that names the intersecting nature of oppressions, privileges and power. In this workshop, we look at the ways in which marginalizations of various kinds are linked and self-reinforcing. Our liberation, too, is interconnected, and we examine best practices and deep questions that help us show up for each other.

Schedule 15 min. Consultation

Tier Three: Transformational Healing

This tier is all about what to do with your anti-racist, anti-colonialist, anti-capitalist understandings. How do we shift from stagnant outrage and horror into values-based action?

Moving from Allyship to Accompliceship

Ages: 12-17 | Duration: 2 Hours
Ages: 12+
Duration: 90-120 minutes

This is a workshop for folks who have a clear understanding of institutional power and are ready to take actionable steps to help shift change. We reckon with how big the work of dismantling oppression is, and shift from a vantage point of scarcity to one of abundance. To do this we will take an inventory of your existing tools and expertise and identify opportunities for skilling up and growth. This workshop is customizable to the needs and dreams of your group.

Schedule 15 min. Consultation

Accountability and Conflict Transformation

Ages: 12+
Duration: 90-120 minutes

In this workshop, we will distinguish between accountability and punishment. In a culture haunted by punitive injustice, we will imagine what an abolitionist, anti-capitalist society might look like. Specifically, we will imagine what building blocks we can work with to begin creating this world in our own lives.

Schedule 15 min. Consultation

Abortion Support for Mental Health Providers

Ages: 12+
Duration: 90-120 minutes

Abortion stigma is so insidious! In this workshop, we identify the ways this stigma infiltrates our training and thinking as mental health providers. Together, we look at the ways barriers to abortion access intersect and reinforce each other. I also offer an overview of the types of abortion procedures available and provide specific strategies and therapeutic tools and resources for working with folks seeking support for an abortion.

Schedule 15 min. Consultation

Book Dr. Seyi Amosu for Workshops

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